New Patient Examinations

Oral exams are an integral part of denture services provide by Denturists.  Patients are assessed through the appropriate examination to determine what services are required prior to developing a treatment plan.  All new patient exams include a detailed prosthetic history including visual and digital examination of the oral structures, TMJ, lips, oral mucosa and tongue.

Examination includes:

  • Assessment of existing prosthetic (fit, occlusion, speech, facial and lip support & aesthetics)
  • Tooth Charting
  • Measurements of existing vertical dimensions
  • Thorough exam of mucosa and natural dentition
  • Identify and chart any abnormalities
  • Review medical history, current medical issues and medications


Recall or Annual Examinations

All patients of Brookswood Denture Clinic will receive a complimentary recall examination at either an annual or two year interval.  This recall examination is complimentary when booked within 4 months of receiving the recall notice in the mail or by email.

At this appointment the Denturist will do a complimentary clean and polish of your dentures and an examination to check for changes in the tissues of your mouth that may have occurred.  Abnormal changes are not always visible and can be detected by your Denturist or Dentist.

Recall/Annual Exams include a detailed prosthetic history including visual and digital examination of the oral structures, TMJ, lips, oral mucosa and tongue, and a medical history update.  If needed, the Denturist will recommend treatment services to maintain, repair, restore or renew your dental appliance.

Patients must keep the prescribed regular recall appointments advised by Brookswood Denture Clinic and their dentist to warrant the 5 year material breakage guarantee for BPS Precision Dentures or the 10 year material breakage guarantee for Perfit Digital Milled Dentures.

We are celebrating 30 years of Creating Beautiful Smiles.